Healthcare is undoubtedly one of the hot-button issues in 21st century life. In the past, information technology has been a driving force in the improvement of primary care, but there is evidence that IT integration and innovation have both regressed. Today, we take a look at some of the technologies that are being leveraged by healthcare organizations.
Traditionally, one of the most difficult things doctors have to deal with is deciding what care is best when a patient has multiple doctors for multiple ailments. It is essential that any decision regarding health has context.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR), or Electronic Health Records (EHR), uses information technology to ensure that every doctor has up-to-date patient information. EMR/EHR provides a whole patient summary from doctor’s notes, prescriptions, financial and insurance information, and more. Having a system that allows doctors to provide faster and more exemplary care, is good for both the medical practice and the patient.
A technology that is largely viewed as a novelty, 3D printing is making some significant headway in the medical field. With 3D printing technology, prosthetic precision has been improved and it has spurred on a lot of innovation in the medical space. Organizations are now crafting all types of life-saving solutions with similar technology.
Surgeons are only human, and no matter how outstanding they are at their jobs, it only takes one slight mishap to cause trauma. These days big data systems and robotics come together to work with the kind of precision only a machine can have. Using the physiological expertise of a surgeon and combining it with the steadiness and smart guides implemented into a machine, mortality rates, and medical mishaps are trending downward.
If you need help implementing technology into your healthcare practice, call the professionals at Ferrum Technology Services today at (847) 697-3282.