We get a large numebr of requests to have a user's extension forwarded to their cellular phone or other external number.
Here's how:
- Log in to your Switchvox as your extension.
- Navigate to Settings -> Call Rules
- Under "Unanswered Call Rule Sets", click "Add New Rule Set"
- Type a name (e.g. "Forward to cellular")
- Save Ruleset Settings
- In the dropdown select "Call Cascade" and click "Add Rule"
- Type the phone number you would like to forward the calls to in the space provided, and click "Save".
Things to remember:
- Call Forward is only for forwarding calls to another *internal* extension. Call Cascade is for forwarding calls to a number outside of your phone system.
- You must enter any prepend for reaching an outside line in the phone number space (e.g. 918025551212) or the call will fail.
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